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EPIL Project Meeting held at IUS

On Monday, May 9, 2022 EPIL project meeting was held at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS). EPIL works as a European Roaming College, aiming to create mutual respect and cooperation in building peaceful communities of equality. Specifically, EPIL focuses on peacebuilding between women of different religious backgrounds in post-conflict states.

Presenters at the event were Full Professor Dr. Emel Topcu, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Administration at IUS, representative of Academic and Board members of the Organization in collaboration with International Module, Associate Professor Dr. Selvira Draganović and Associate Professor Dr. Almasa Mulalić. Professor Topcu addressed the audience and explained briefly the connection between peacebuilding and democracy, while Professor Draganović explained the topic from a psychological point of view while emphasizing the role of women in the peacebuilding process. Professor Mulalić pointed out the importance of educating younger generations since they are the cornerstone of society. In addition, Ms. Selma Ibrekić, senior year student of Political Science, addressed the audience and presented the role of the NGO sector in the context of peacebuilding especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina where state apparatus has not been so successful.

The event concluded with an open discussion and a Q&A session.