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Erasmus+ Academic Staff Exchange: ELT and ELIT Professors at University of Social Sciences in Ankara

Associate Professor Dr Almasa Mulalić from ELT study program and Assistant Professor Dr Vesna Suljić from ELIT study program of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences FASS) participated in Erasmus+ Program and visited University of Social Sciences in Ankara, Turkiye from 20 to 24 March 2023.

There they met with the staff of Foreign Languages Department, exchanged their experiences in teaching English and literature with their colleagues and also with students who attended their lessons in online format. Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Almasa Mulalic gave a lecture on Teaching ELS through literature, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Vesna Suljic gave one lecture on Creative learning through practical application – starting with literature, and also one on The use of contemporary technology in teaching literature – Shakespeare on a small screen. All the lectures were well received by both the students and the professors and their feedback was also inspiring and motivating for the presenters.

Besides the University staff and students who attended the official meetings, IUS professors were warmly greeted by IUS current or former students or staff residing temporarily or permanently in Ankara. Lamija Brdarevic and Feyza Gun, current IUS students who are doing their Erasmus Exchange learning activities, and Betul Dursun, a former IUS student who started her employment at University of Social Sciences in Ankara as a Research Assistant a week prior to the professors’ arrival to Ankara, provided their valuable assistance and ensured that all the professors’ social, travel, information and other needs were met.