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Coordinator's Message

English Language and Literature, Teaching
English Language and Literature, Teaching

Dear Students,

English is ranked in the third place, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish, in terms of number of people who speak the language. English continues to be a primary choice for communication in global business, international law, science and technology, media, and various international academic circles. This has profound consequences for those who wish to teach English in their native countries or abroad. The program involves research in the fields of linguistics, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, translation studies, sociolinguistics, language pedagogy and methodology, literacy development, curriculum and materials development, assessment, and cross-cultural communication.

Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Almasa Mulalić

The objective of the English Language and Literature, Teaching Training (ELT) program is to improve the language level of students, to provide them with an understanding of linguistics and literature in connection with social, cultural, political, historical, and economic contexts. The program encourages students to take courses from other disciplines to develop their interdisciplinary skills and enable them to think and create independently. By completing the integrated study of the English Language and Literature program, our graduates can pursue a career as English teachers or hold various positions within the education sector as administrators, or school principals and counselors.

Exceptional graduates may also choose to pursue a career as academics and conduct research on various issues tied to education, linguistics, literature, or educational psychology. Once they are members of the academic community their linguistic and literature background will be helpful for assessing and monitoring the learning and teaching processes. The multi-disciplinary nature of the program and its emphasis on interpersonal and communication skills ensures that the student will graduate with a set of skills that can be applied to various careers.

A good command of the written and spoken English will be important if they choose to work as writers, journalists, translators, or interpreters. It will also be valuable should they choose to pursue a career in business, media and communications, international relations, or any career that requires constant interaction in English within a globalized and interconnected work force.  

Associate Professor Dr. Almasa Mulalić

English Language and Literature Teacher Training Program Coordinator 

English Language and Literature, Teaching
English Language and Literature, Teaching

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English Language and Literature, Teaching

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us" - J.R.R. Tolkein