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PhD Studies

English Language and Literature, Teaching
English Language and Literature, Teaching

PhD Studies

English Language and Literature, Teaching
English Language and Literature, Teaching

PhD Studies in ELT


A PhD is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. The degree normally takes between three and four years of full-time work towards a thesis offering an original contribution to your subject of interest.


The 3rd cycle of study is organized and run as a three-year study program and it corresponds to 180 ECTS credits, where candidates acquire ECTS credits by passing exams in courses specified by the curriculum, conducting research in the specific area of the doctoral dissertation, and completing and successfully defending a doctoral dissertation.




Overview of the PhD Programs

Overview of the PhD Programs

The 3rd cycle of study leads to the scientific title of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or equivalent; it lasts for three years and is worth 180 ECTS credits.

The 3rd cycle of study (doctoral study) is concluded with the completion and successful defense of the doctoral dissertation, after which a candidate acquires scientific title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the relevant area.


Enrolment into a doctoral study course is carried out based on a public competition, which is announced in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University.


Candidates who completed the 1st and 2nd study cycle programs totalling together at least 300 ECTS credits, and candidates who have completed relevant post-graduate program prior to the implementation of Bologna principles are entitled to enroll into the first year of doctoral study program.


Procedures and conditions for admission of candidates, for registration of courses and examination, as well as for other issues related to doctoral studies, are stipulated in more detail by the Study Rules for Doctoral Studies at IUS.


After the enrollment, a student is assigned an academic advisor to guide him/her during doctoral studies until the appointment of a mentor.


The 3rd cycle student initiates appointment of a mentor for his/her dissertation from the body of IUS professors (assistant professors, associate professors, full professors and professor emeritus) holding PhD degree in scientific areas. Exceptionally, a mentor or co-mentor can be a PhD holder from outside of the University, who holds a valid or expired appointment to academic title, provided that the student submits a letter of consent by the proposed mentor and documents proving eligibility for mentorship.


For a PhD student who is doing doctorate in artistic field, a mentor can also be MA holder from outside of the University, who holds an actual or expired appointment to academic title, provided that the student submits a letter of consent by the proposed mentor and documents proving eligibility for mentorship.


Candidates who are citizens of foreign countries can submit preliminary application for admission, before the official call is published by the University, so that they can obtain necessary residency permits and satisfy language requirements prior to the start of lectures at the University.


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